As a Jewish member of Interfaith 4 Ceasefire, our faiths compel us to work for an immediate, permanent cease-fire and an arms embargo. We reject war and invest in justice, peace, and human dignity. This call to action stems from a deep-rooted belief that we must decry U.S. and Israeli state violence against Palestinian and Lebanese people, for which we are complicit through the support of our elected officials and tax dollars.
Our faiths demand accountability for violations of international humanitarian law, such as targeting civilians, destroying life-sustaining infrastructure, and inflicting starvation and disease. We believe in the sanctity of every human life and advocate for investing in housing, healthcare, and education to truly protect and uplift each other. The rejection of indifference is paramount, as we must choose love over fear and justice over inaction.
Those promoting the recall of DA Pamela Price need to reassess their stance after the ex-deputy's conviction for murder. Initially criticizing her as soft on crime, they must now reconcile their narrative with reality. It’s important to acknowledge the facts and not be swayed by unfounded accusations against Price's commitment to justice. We need a collective pause to reassess the false narratives surrounding crime and accountability in our community.
Swalwell’s remarks on DA Price’s alleged impact on crime rates mislead voters. He inaccurately attributes rising crime to her actions, which undermines the true nature of her responsibilities. The calls for her recall were based on misinformation, and as the conviction proves, the problems with crime are more complex than simple blame on the DA. The voters deserve a transparent dialogue informed by actual events and not unfounded opinions.