"Whitaker, who was the acting attorney general between Sessions and Barr, merely did what he was told. He was a nonentity, a person with neither the will, vision, nor power to do anything other than what Trump ordered him to do during his brief time at the top."
"The attorney general is not supposed to do the bidding of the president, especially when the president is a criminal, but Whitaker, at least, did not come up with additional evil of his own."
"As we look towards the second Trump administration, I did not dare to hope for another Matthew Whitaker as head of the DOJ. The MAGA bench is deep with frightening individuals who understand the immense power of the DOJ and are eager to deploy it against Trump's enemies, their own enemies, the free press, and vulnerable people across the country."
"These people include functional Klansmen, who are just itching to get their hands on the FBI and would revel in bringing prosecutions against any Black person who dissents from their rule."