Meta says it's not automatically making users' accounts follow Trump on Instagram and Facebook

Meta has addressed concerns from users who reported inadvertently following President Trump and other officials after his inauguration. In a public statement, Meta clarified that no one was automatically added to these accounts. Their communications director explained that as the official accounts transition between administrations, processes like follow requests may experience delays. The complaints coincided with changes in Meta's policies, igniting further discussions about user control and corporate governance, particularly after recent adjustments in monitoring and oversight practices.
People were not made to automatically follow any of the official Facebook or Instagram accounts for the President, Vice President or First Lady.
It may take some time for follow and unfollow requests to go through as these accounts change hands.
The content on the accounts managed by the White House changes with every new administration, a procedure that Meta followed during the last presidential transition.
Users complained their accounts started following the @POTUS, @VPOTUS, and @FLOTUS accounts without any action on their part.
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