Prominent NYC doctor cuts no-jail plea deal for $300 fine in hit-and-run case where he mowed down a dad, 6-year-old daughter

Guy Seth expressed profound frustration about the legal outcome, stating, 'Dr. Leuzzi destroyed our life on January 9th. We wish we could pay $300 to someone and get our life back!' His statement emphasizes the emotional and physical toll on his family after the traumatic incident.
The family attorney, Ravi Batra, highlighted the severity of the injuries, stating, 'The little girl fractured her skull, requiring surgery and a titanium plate, and the father suffered a catastrophic, traumatic brain injury.' This underscores the long-term impact of the vehicle's collision.
Seth questioned Leuzzi's actions post-crash, saying, 'I would love to know why he [Leuzzi] left the scene of the accident. It just boggles my mind.' This reflects the family's need for answers and accountability.
Guy Seth shared the ongoing struggles faced by his family: 'The crash permanently harmed my family, resulting in severe physical and psychological damage.' His statement at the sentencing illustrates the lasting consequences of the accident.
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