Robert Cromey, ally priest who performed San Francisco's first same-sex church weddings, dies

Robert Cromey, a pioneering Episcopal priest and ally of the LGBTQ+ community, passed away at the age of 93 in San Francisco. Known for performing wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples in the 1960s and participating in the Selma march with Martin Luther King Jr., he challenged the church's stance on LGBTQ+ issues. Revered for his unwavering commitment, he significantly influenced the church's current pro-gay policies. Cromey's radical views once drew criticism, with his wife recalling how he was viewed as 'crazy' for advocating acceptance of gays in the church.
"I was called a homosexual sympathizer in the early 1960s, but 'f*g priest' was the only nickname I really loved."
"He was far more outspoken than many gay clergy were willing to be. He was very influential for me and other clergy in San Francisco."
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