In a notable shift, In Defense of Animals has recognized Oakland Zoo for its progressive treatment of elephants, awarding it for the first time in 20 years. The zoo's decision to release their last elephant, Osh, to sanctuary exemplifies compassion in animal care. Beyond elephants, the zoo serves as a critical resource for rescuing injured wildlife, such as a malnourished spider monkey named Azules and orphaned mountain lion cubs. The Oakland Zoo's proactive approach highlights its dedication to the welfare of all animals and serves as a model for other institutions.
For the first time in 20 years, we are honoring a zoo for its progressive treatment of elephants. Oakland Zoo is setting a bold and compassionate precedent by releasing its last elephant, Osh, to sanctuary.
The poor little thing was badly malnourished and suffering a serious respiratory infection. So they rushed her to the only place with the special expertise necessary to care for her: the Oakland Zoo.