Stephen A. Smith Rips Into Lawmaker On Real Time for Fearmongering' Dems: The Republicans Didn't Create That!'

In a discussion on HBO's Real Time, Stephen A. Smith criticized Rep. Ro Khanna and the Democratic Party for their approach to social issues, particularly fearmongering surrounding pronoun usage. He stated that Democrats are out of touch and in the minority for their handling of communication and connection to voters. Smith emphasized that politicians should aim to genuinely listen to people rather than manipulate them through fear. He referenced Wes Moore as an example of a leader who effectively engages with constituents by being relatable and attentive instead of using guilt to influence behavior.
You have to understand, respectfully, in my opinion, that you are in the minority within the Democratic Party based on what we've seen over the last, you know, four to six years.
Smith argues that fearmongering about pronoun usage within the party is damaging, creating a culture where individuals feel pressured to choose words carefully out of fear of repercussions.
Wes Moore, the governor of Maryland, is a likable man who resonates with people because he sends a message to them not just that he cares about them, but that he's listening.
It's entirely different now because, like Bill said, it's not enough for you to vote for them. You got to side with them, the same people that you voted for.
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