Techie pointed out meetings are pointless, which was brave

In this 'Who, Me?' installment, Palmer recounts his experience with an inefficient weekly IT team meeting led by a new manager enamored with Dilbert. Palmer’s work was inherently specialized, compelling him to summarize his contributions briefly, while others elaborated at length. Despite voicing concerns about the meeting duration, the format persisted until a senior manager intervened. When the newbie manager asked for suggestions to improve the meetings, an awkward silence ensued, leading Palmer to confidently propose a 30-minute limit, demonstrating that constructive input can transform workplace routines.
"During our weekly meeting, members of our IT team would share their work, and I kept mine intentionally brief because I knew no one else would understand it."
"The newbie manager finally suggested we should freshen up the meeting format because it had become too long and tedious; however, when he asked for ideas, nobody responded."
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