Back in October 2023, I posted a photo of myself on Instagram preparing for my routine mammogram with a joking reminder to 'take care of your ticking time bags' a la Michael Scott. After inconclusive results on that mammogram due to dense breast tissue my doctor ordered a breast ultrasound. They found something in my left breast. A biopsy was ordered. Then, on December 1, 2023, I learned I had stage 1 triple positive breast cancer.
I lost my hair during chemotherapy but thanks to some great wigs and hats with hair (which my family affectionately called Wigats) I have been able to wait until now to reveal all that has been going on for me.
I'm making this announcement for a few reasons. One, I'm ready to ditch the wigs. Two, to implore you to get your annual mammograms. You can also ask your doctor to calculate your Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score and get any additional screenings required. I'm serious, call your doctors right now.