These 33 Products Will Give The Worn Out Things In Your Home The Kiss Of Life

I used this in the bottom of my down-layered sofa cushions that sagged in the center, and they worked great. I wish I had bought them a couple of years ago. I was looking at new sofas because of this and it's only a 3-year-old sofa and expensive. These fixed the problem, and I highly recommend them.
I started getting white streaks all over my dishes; that never happened before. I thought it was my detergent and changed it, but no difference. Clean dishes with this weird white film on them. I'd wash them by hand, then put them back in the dishwasher, and white film again! Then I did an internet search to figure out what was going on...and found this! Bought it. Used it. My dishes are clean again!
I used this on a 15+-year-old patio table whose paint was fading. It brought it back to life, and I only had to use one sheet.
This stuff restores just about anything! So far, it seems to last. One little wipe can do all the plastic on an SUV and probably more.
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