Revelations that a FEMA employee acted in a biased manner against certain Americans should surprise no one. The Democrats have been telegraphing their feelings for years, dating back to the Obama administration. To Democrats, some supporters of President-elect Donald Trump are deplorables, clinging to guns and religion. We have a government infected by the progressive left and its Dem enablers, who discriminate based on the color of your skin, your political affiliation, your religion and how much you have in your bank account.
I don't believe that top FEMA officials were horrified that workers were directed to avoid homes with Trump signs. I suspect that FEMA was horrified that it got caught directing workers to avoid homes with Trump signs.
Merely firing the FEMA employee who issued this order isn't sufficient. Federal hate crime charges must be filed against her, and any FEMA staff who followed this directive need to be fired and charged with crimes, too.
After reading about FEMA officials' reprehensible actions during the hurricane response in Florida, I can only hope the actions of Marn'i Washington result in federal hate-crime prosecution in addition to hundreds of millions of dollars of fines and a long imprisonment. I can't fathom how a human being would politicize such a tragic time and deny people much-needed help.