thoughts on Daylight Computer

The article reflects on the author’s experience with the DC-1 tablet while traveling on Amtrak. Unlike traditional screens, the DC-1 allows for writing and reading in direct sunlight without blinding glare. Although it prioritizes stylus use over keyboard interaction and presents some ergonomic challenges for typing, the user appreciates the product's design. Despite its grayscale display, the author enjoys using it outdoors, feeling that it enhances their computing experience. They express excitement for using it more as the seasons change, appreciating how it reconnects them with the environment.
When I get to write or read on a screen that's reflecting the sun back at me instead of needing to be shielded from it, I get a dose of this feeling that this is what all computing could feel like.
It's also seemed to prioritize the tablet-and-stylus form of interaction higher than the screen-and-keyboard form factor. While I appreciate both, a lot more of my computing today fits into the latter and I wish it were better aligned for comfortable typing in odd positions like a hammock.
All that said, I'm really glad to own this beautiful piece of tech. I feel better about reading on a digital device at night before bed than I have in a long time.
Typing outside in the sun is a psycho-active burst of happiness (and I'm excited for the Colorado winter to turn into Spring so I can do it again).
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