It is really good to have Camera Obscura back. Their previous album, Desire Lines, was released 11 years ago and in that time the band has gone through a lot... The grief and joy are all present on Look to the East, Look to the West, the Glaswegian band's wonderful sixth album which is a return to form in many ways.
After two albums for 4AD they are back on Merge, home to their best albums (Underachievers Please Try Harder and Let's Get Out of This Country), and they are reunited with producer of those, Jari Haapalainen.
Recorded mostly live-to-tape at Rockfield Studios in Wales, there's an energy to these songs, even the saddest, sparest of them...
The grief is also there, as most profoundly expressed on "Sleepwalking," which despite its music box delicacy...