Their hate is not going to dull my light. In fact, in some ways, it fuels my fire. I feel like now more than ever, it's time to express whatever I want to express. And if someone has a problem with it, I would prefer if they just ignored me. You got a problem with it? Get over it. Mind your own business.
I don't understand why the haters out there focus so specifically on things they don't like. You don't have to like everything. That's society. We're in a free world. We're supposed to be in a free society, where everyone has the freedom to express themselves, as long as you're not hurting anybody. There's plenty more that we need to be focusing on other than who people are sleeping with and what identity people want to see themselves as.
The last few years have seen a dramatic rise in anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric on the right and efforts to pass anti-LGBTQ+ laws across the country. Most recently, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis's Republican administration tried to dampen Pride festivities by banning bridges in the state from displaying rainbow lights. And in New York City, where 150 Pride flags outside the historic Stonewall Nati.