"If I plan to spend my dollars, it's going to be on something memorable and unique, not on something I can have or make any night of the week," said chef Amber Williams, executive chef of Le Rouge Cuisine Food Co. in Dallas, Texas.
"I often like to order items that are unique flavor combinations or something that makes me think, 'Wow, that is either going to be amazing or weird: let's try!'" said Tiffany Swan, a Lake Tahoe, California-based retreat chef.
"I like lobster, but not enough to justify the cost of a $40-50 [lobster] roll," said Evan Hennessey, chef and owner of Stages at One Washington and The Living Room in Dover, New Hampshire.
"I think the market has been driven so high that people are willing to pay astronomical amounts without blinking. We call that 'tourist pricing,' and [we] locals don't appreciate it," Hennessey added.