I Tried My Sister's Strange Sunscreen Cleaning Hack, and I'm Shocked That It Actually Worked

The article highlights a clever cleaning hack using expired sunscreen spray to clean children's messy desks covered with art marks. The author's sister mentioned this technique, which prompted the author to try it for herself. Using Banana Boat Sport Ultra sunscreen and a microfiber rag, the author noticed effective results in removing crayons and other stains, particularly when allowing the sunscreen to dwell on the marks. The article emphasizes both the value of children's artwork and the practicality of upcycling unused products for cleaning purposes.
I grabbed a can of Banana Boat Sport Ultra sunscreen spray and a microfiber rag. I was shocked. The crayon melted away and other marks faded.
This cleaning hack is the perfect way to upcycle it. I couldn't wait to try it on my own kids' desks.
Dwell time of the sunscreen on the marks increased the effectiveness for sure. Additionally, repeating the process multiple times yielded improved results.
Those piles of drawings of rainbows, dinosaurs, robots, and airplanes and the illustrated love notes will get smaller - and one day they'll stop.
Read at Apartment Therapy