Gaining Ground in the War on Rats

New York City, under the leadership of rat czar Kathleen Corradi, is seeing success in combatting its rat problem. Efforts such as requiring homeowners and small apartment buildings to contain their trash have contributed to a notable drop in rat sightings. Based on 311 calls, reports of rats decreased by 23% in December and 24% in January compared to the previous year. Despite no official rat census, these figures suggest that the city's anti-rat initiatives are having a positive impact on reducing the rodent population.
One way the city tracks the fight against rats is by calls to 311. The downward numbers are a sign, Corradi said, that efforts to cause additional stress for rats were doing just that.
Rat sightings based on calls to 311 dropped 23 percent in December and 24 percent in January, compared with the same months a year earlier, according to the Sanitation Department.
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