Mayor Adams Proposes $4M Per Year to 'Harden' Dangerous Intersections - Streetsblog New York City

"We are... keeping New Yorkers safe on our streets ... by improving road safety at hundreds of targeted traffic intersections," Adams said during a press conference at City Hall on Thursday.
"Hardening is what makes daylighting actually work, so the budget item is really crucial to expanding it across the city," said Jackson Chabot, Director of Advocacy and Organizing at Open Plans.
State law already bans parking within 20 feet of intersections, but the city has long exempted itself to make space for more private car storage, even as 55 percent of pedestrian deaths and 79 percent of pedestrian traffic injuries happen at intersections.
The moves come amid growing support on the City Council for legislation to end the city's longstanding exemption. The Council proposal would also require DOT add barriers to 1,000 intersections a year.
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