Plastic Bags Were Banned in NYC 5 Years Ago. They're Still Floating Around.

Since the implementation of New York’s ban on single-use plastic bags in 2020, business owner Francisco Marte has navigated a complicated transition. While he has eliminated plastic bags at some of his bodegas by charging for reusable ones, he continues to provide plastic bags in low-income areas to avoid burdening customers with extra costs. Compliance among local businesses has been inconsistent due to similar financial concerns. The state's initiative aimed to significantly reduce plastic bag waste, evidenced by a reported decline in plastic bag usage by 68% in the NYC waste stream from 2017 to 2023.
Since the ban took effect five years ago, small business owners in New York have faced mixed compliance challenges while transitioning away from single-use plastic bags.
While some bodegas charge for more expensive reusable bags, others continue to provide plastic bags to avoid imposing costs on low-income customers.
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