We need to convey to our officers, you've got a choice: You don't have to stay in New York City where you're treated terribly, or you're not allowed to do your job, or you're threatened - where you're beaten and the very criminals that you put away are let out the very next day.
They don't have to put up with that, we've got great openings in Texas, where we respect, revere, and honor our police officers, as well as a lower cost of living and a higher quality of life.
If you are actually... respecting them and the job that they do, they won't want to come down to Texas, but that's not the case. We need them and New York apparently doesn't because they don't respect them and they treat them horribly.
#rep-beth-van-duyne #nypd-officers #texas-job-opportunities #police-treatment #new-york-city-vs-texas