Jags' Armstead named Walter Payton Man of Year

Arik Armstead, the Jacksonville Jaguars defensive end, was honored as the Walter Payton Man of the Year, recognized for his commitment to early childhood education through his Armstead Academic Project. Throughout his career, he has focused on ensuring that children from various socio-economic backgrounds access essential educational resources. During the NFL Honors awards show, Armstead expressed gratitude for his upbringing and inspired others to make a positive impact in their communities, emphasizing the importance of unity and shared humanity in overcoming divisiveness.
This is a huge honor. It's a huge sense of responsibility that I feel to carry this forward and continue to serve -- and serve more people.
I hope I make you proud. Your guidance is the biggest reason why I'm where I'm at in my life right now.
We live in a world that is constantly trying to divide us. But I believe in humanity. I believe that we are all more alike than we are different.
I just encourage you to try to be a blessing in someone else's life and see how that changes your life.
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