The acclaim for the new Bob Dylan movie highlights an enduring love for 'coming-to-New-York' narratives, yet raises questions about their relevance today. The internet provides an alternative path for dreamers, diminishing the necessity for physical arrival in the city. Kay Sohini's graphic memoir, 'This Beautiful, Ridiculous City', counters that notion by exemplifying the life-changing power of New York. As a South Asian artist, she shares her journey from Calcutta to New York, exploring her identity through literature and art in a deeply personal yet universal way.
Sohini tells a vivid, multidimensional New York story of her own: her odyssey, a capsule history of modern India, and, always, references to books.
Sohini's debut book affirms the enduring power of New York and the power of literature to give people the courage to cross all manner of borders.