The inquest into the death of 22-year-old William Hewes, who succumbed to sepsis following meningitis, revealed failures in timely antibiotic administration at Homerton University Hospital. Witnesses included Heather Burns, Mr. Hewes's mother, and medical staff who expressed regrets during testimony. Despite warnings about Mr. Hewes' deteriorating condition, antibiotics were not given within the critical one-hour timeframe established by guidelines. The emergency registrar, Rebecca McMillan, voiced her concerns about care deficiencies, emphasizing the urgency of treating sepsis to potentially save lives.
I told nurses working in resus about the type and dose of antibiotics he needed, but I don’t know that I was clear who I was directing my instruction to.
From the moment I saw Mr Hewes, I believed he might die. I would have expected the antibiotics to be administered within 10 minutes of my departure.