Notorious 'sweethearts' killer dies in prison. Here's what cracked the 1980 cold case

The Gonsalves family was headed by George, who was an Air Force colonel, very stoic man, strong family man. Andrea described how she had never seen her father cry until they had gotten the news of Sabrina's death, and he dropped to his knees and was wailing about his baby.
These kids were exceptional, and I don't take that word usage lightly. They really, truly were. Each of them was very involved in community, in family, in the school, in giving back.
Hirschfield raped Gonsalves and dumped both of the teenagers' bodies in a ravine about 30 miles east of Davis in Sacramento County, where they were found by police three days later. Their throats had been slashed and their heads wrapped in duct tape.
His death puts a period on a long and grisly tale that haunted the families of Hirschfield's victims for half a century.
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