A beloved whale long suspected of being a Russian 'spy' was shot dead, animal-rights groups say

"When I saw his body and the multiple injuries, I immediately knew he had been killed by gunshots. I even saw a bullet lodged in his body, there is no question that this kind, gentle animal was senselessly murdered." - Regina Haug, founder of OneWhale.
The lifeless body of Hvaldimir was discovered by a teenage fisherman and his father near the town of Risavika on Saturday morning, sparking outrage and investigation.
Animal rights groups filed a report indicating that Hvaldimir's death might be due to intentional human-inflicted injury, raising serious concerns about wildlife protection.
Hvaldimir, a 15-year-old beluga whale believed to be trained for espionage, gained celebrity status in Norway, but his tragic death has brought attention to animal cruelty.
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