NASA carefully schedules every minute of its astronauts' days - from the exact moment they wake up to when they can take their single hour of personal time.
Keeping time on the ISS is something of a challenge since the station experiences around 15 sunrises and sunsets within a 24-hour period. So, to give the astronauts some semblance of a schedule, all the station's times are set to Greenwich Meantime (GMT).
An astronaut's day starts bright and early at 6:00am sharp with a wake-up call from Mission Control back on Earth. The crew then have an hour to wash up, brush their teeth, use the bathroom, and get themselves ready for the day's work.
Instead of using a shower, astronauts wash using two cloths - one wet one for washing and a dry one for rinsing. To save water and avoid making a mess, astronauts wash their hair using rinseless shampoo which is combed through with a little water.