The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for their work in developing tools for understanding the neural networks that underpin artificial intelligence. In 1982, Hopfield's network described connections between virtual neurons as physical forces—it became known as 'associative memory' due to its ability to evoke related concepts. Hinton later utilized principles from statistical physics to enhance the Hopfield network, showcasing a significant evolution in artificial neural networks that learn from examples rather than relying on conventional computations.
An analysis spanning 30 years indicates that the radical increase in human life expectancy, particularly in wealthy nations, might be stalling. The decade beginning in 2010 saw a slower growth in lifespan compared to the extensive progress observed post-1990. Epidemiologist S. Jay Olshansky cautions, "There are limits to how far out we can push the envelope of human survival," pointing to the inherent challenges posed by the biological process of aging, while others emphasize that health advancements have achieved remarkable reductions in child mortality rates.