Exclusive: Aerleum plans to turn CO2 directly into fuel for cargo ships and, eventually, airplanes | TechCrunch

"They approached the subject as being a DAC company, and I was like, 'No, no way. I won't go in that space,'" Fiedorow told TechCrunch. "I didn't want to invest in DAC."
"Once we dug into the numbers, once we did a back-of-the-napkin techno-economic assessment, that was the switching point for me," Fiedorow explained about his change in perspective after initial reluctance.
"Should we really have to get through all of these steps, or can we just bypass some of them?" Fiedorow said, highlighting concerns about the effectiveness and efficiency of existing DAC processes.
Fiedorow mentioned, "Where do you have the most energy penalties? It was really in the middle, the intermediate steps where you have to dissolve the CO 2, compress it, and transport it."
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