Samantha Dennison, suffering from neuroferritinopathy, a rare and debilitating brain disorder, is participating in a drug trial testing deferiprone to potentially reduce iron buildup in the brain. The disorder, affecting around 100 individuals worldwide, often leads to severe mobility and speech loss while patients retain full awareness. The condition can be passed through generations, as evidenced by Dennison's own family’s history of the disease. Prof. Patrick Chinnery, leading the DefINe trial, is dedicated to finding a treatment for this 'cruel' disease that deeply affects families.
Samantha Dennison, a victim of neuroferritinopathy, hopes a drug trial will provide hope for future patients affected by this rare, debilitating brain disorder.
Prof. Patrick Chinnery, leading the DefINe trial, described neuroferritinopathy as 'cruel', emphasizing the profound impact it has on patients and their families.