The newly assembled Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is set to launch in May 2027. This telescope will offer expansive discovery potential, allowing scientists to explore vast areas of the universe more deeply than with previous telescopes. Its advanced imaging capabilities will enable the detection of hundreds of millions of galaxies and provide crucial data for thousands of researchers. The telescope's field of view is 100 times larger than that of the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes, enhancing our cosmic understanding dramatically.
The vast discovery power of this telescope is going to expand our window of knowledge by orders of magnitude, says Jamie Dunn, the Roman telescope's project manager.
You're going to have a tremendous amount of data available to tens of thousands of scientists. It's just mind-boggling,
We will be able to move quickly and map out very large areas of the sky, adds Josh Schlieder, the telescope's wide-field instrument scientist.
Roman will be able to look at a patch of sky 100 times larger than both the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope can.