A newly discovered 'city-killer' asteroid named YR4 has a 2.3 percent probability of crashing into Earth on December 22, 2032. If it impacts, the energy released would be equivalent to eight megatons of TNT, capable of destroying an area the size of Washington, DC. A 3D animation shows the devastating effects of such an impact. While the increase in chance may raise concerns, astronomers remind that a 97.9 percent chance exists that YR4 will miss Earth, as its close approach will be about 66,000 miles away.
The energy released by the impact of 'city-killer' asteroid YR4 could devastate an area the size of Washington, DC, with an 8 megaton explosion.
Astronomers suggest that a 2.3% chance of Asteroid YR4 hitting Earth in 2032 is alarming but emphasizes the 97.9% chance of a miss.