27 Confessions From A Scholarship Student At A School For The Super-Rich

Offering to take my ENTIRE soccer team and other friends and family to an all-expenses paid trip to Disneyland via their private jet over spring break. There were people whose families owned multiple Ferraris, Porsches, luxury motorcycles, etc. One guy would drive a different one each day to school. As for clothes and such, it was more common for kids to have to "earn" that stuff themselves. like if they got all A's that semester, they could buy the Gucci shoes they wanted. Someone got a boat as a graduation present because they got into Dartmouth. The most rampant examples were just parents funding their kids' fake nonprofits and businesses to look good for college.
I did have a good experience there because I tried hard not to focus on my wealth differences and just work hard. And I learned a lot about how people cut corners when they have the money to, lol. I guess I don't regret my experience, but I don't think I would've been less successful if I went to a public school.
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