Election Day FAQ: Can You Bring Your Kids With You To Vote? An Expert Answers

"Every state permits parents to bring their minor children to vote with them in some capacity. However, some states have restrictions on bringing them with you into the voting booth... For instance, in Virginia, a child under the age of 15 is allowed in the voting booth with an adult, but older children are not," says Cormack.
"Electing to take your children to the polls can not only alleviate the childcare dilemma but also serve as an educational experience about civic responsibility," explains Dr. Cormack.
"Parents often find themselves juggling various responsibilities on election day, including how to manage their kids while making this important civic duty," Dr. Cormack notes.
"Understanding the legalities of bringing children to the polls can help ease anxiety for parents, ensuring they make informed decisions on voting day," Cormack advises.
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