I felt so awkward the first time I held an infant. My first full-time role was caring for a 1-year-old girl. Some people are thrilled to have a male nanny, because they have boys. Others have turned me down because I'm a guy. That doesn't bother me, because there are so many families out there. Last year I took my first full-time position, caring for a 1-year-old girl. I was honestly surprised that her parents chose me, and felt a little out of my comfort zone, but it was the most beautiful relationship, and we're still in touch.
I'm not allowed to post the kids on social media. I can't say much about the family I'm working with now. Privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance for nannies. When I start with a new family we discuss what I can mention about them or the kids, and what I can post on my social media. Not that I do too much posting - when I'm at work my personal phone is off. I have a work phone that I use for contacting the parents.
Being a nanny is an incredibly high-energy job. Realistically I know I won't be able to maintain that energy forever. I plan to nanny for about eight years, and then open a childcare center in London. What I'm most looking forward to is being a dad. If I could, I would have 10 kids, but four is probably a more realistic number. No matter what, nurturing children will always be part of my life.