The article discusses the emerging parenting style called 'F-k Around and Find Out' (FAFO), which encourages children to experience the natural consequences of their choices. This trend is gaining traction among parents who feel overwhelmed by gentle parenting. The concept was popularized by TikTok creator Janelle, who emphasizes balancing authoritative parenting with letting kids learn through their actions. While parents are encouraged to let their children face mild consequences, they should remain vigilant about serious risks.
I practice authoritative parenting but within what I would consider a subgenre that I would call 'f*ck around and find out' parenting... [kids] get their natural consequences and get to figure out the way through them.
This weekend I took my kid camping for the first time with the Cub Scouts. At one point, it was raining pretty hard... My son decided he didn't want to wear his rain jacket anymore.