Can Manap reflects on a moment in Istanbul's Grand Bazaar where he captures a scene of rain falling under a large tree. He emphasizes the importance of noticing details in photography, referencing Roland Barthes’s concept of 'punctum', which adds emotional depth to an image. The tree's upward reach represents defiance against its surroundings, compelling him to edit the photograph in black and white to highlight textures and sentiments. Ultimately, Manap articulates that photography transcends mere visual representation; it embodies feeling and interpretation, bridging the seen and the sensed.
Photography often lies in the art of noticing, he says. Roland Barthes writes about the punctum' of a photograph - an element that unexpectedly affects the viewer.
In this case, the punctum is the tree's upward reach, symbolising a quiet defiance against the confines of its surroundings.
I chose black and white to emphasise the textures and amplify the composition's strengths and details. Photography is not merely about seeing but feeling and interpreting.
It's about bridging what is visible and what is sensed.