The auditors found significant risks in cash management in the most recent financial years, for example. Cash allocations posted to Oracle were recorded as a transaction on the same day. If the transaction it relates to is from the prior year, this means the cash posting is sitting in the wrong year and the accounting records would be incorrect. In [the financial year] 23/24, £2 billion in transactions [were] posted in the wrong year which required correcting manually.
Despite red warnings on its project review, the council went live with the replacement to its aging SAP finance system, highly customized software from 1999. The system went live with modifications, and problems emerged. The council now plans to reimplement an 'out-of-the-box' version of Oracle while it does its best to fix the current system.
Since the start of the program, there has been significant turnover of personnel. The report reveals remaining staff struggle to retain skills and knowledge regarding the original implementation, illustrating the complications that arise from personnel shifts in such large ERP projects.