Stranger steals the deed to multimillion-dollar North Carolina mansion in a shocking real estate scam

Craig Adams, a dentist from Raleigh, discovered that his multimillion-dollar mansion's deed was fraudulently transferred to an unknown individual without his consent, prompting a costly legal battle.
Adams realized that a warranty claim deed had been filed falsely with the Wake County Register of Deeds, allowing Dawn Mangum to claim ownership. "There's no effort to authenticate the validity of the change of deed," he lamented.
The homeowner’s association first alerted Adams when they inquired if he had sold his property. "When I dug deeper, I found the fraudulent paperwork, and it was shocking that it got approved without any verification," he stated.
Despite providing evidence of his ownership, officials told Adams he must hire a private attorney to resolve the situation. "They said their hands were tied; the only solution is for me to file a civil suit, which will cost thousands."
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