Earlier this year, upon finding out that NPR CEO Katherine Maher is on the board of the Signal Foundation, Musk changed his tune, suggesting that Signal may not actually be secure, which is based, again, on his own bias towards NPR, not on evidence. That then prompted many conservative groups to shift to Telegram instead. Which is very much not as secure as WhatsApp or Signal, and at that stage, already had a growing reputation for allowing illegal activity to go unmoderated in the app.
Hence, now many conservatives are outraged that their messaging platform of choice is being targeted, though it's more correlation than causation in this respect. 'Telegram abides by EU laws, including the Digital Services Act - its moderation is within industry standards and constantly improving. Telegram's CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe. It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.'