Cloudflare blocking Pale Moon and other browsers

Cloudflare's browser detection systems are inadvertently blocking users of lesser-known web browsers from accessing numerous websites. This issue primarily affects users of browsers like Pale Moon, Falkon, and SeaMonkey, and has persisted for years. Reports document recurring access problems since 2015, with no long-term resolutions in sight. Despite efforts from developers of these browsers to bypass detection issues, users are often caught in endless loops or crashes. This situation not only frustrates users but also points to a significant flaw in Cloudflare's attempt to distinguish between legitimate and potentially harmful traffic.
Cloudflare's browser-detection routines are blocking users of lesser-known web browsers, leading to access issues and frustrations, particularly for those browsers lacking broad recognition.
Reports of Cloudflare's inconsistencies in browser detection date back to 2015, impacting users repeatedly across various lesser-known browsers like Pale Moon and SeaMonkey.
While Cloudflare aims to protect against bots and DDoS attacks by scrutinizing browser agents, the restricted list of accepted browsers leaves many legitimate users blocked.
The ongoing browser-blocking issues faced by the users of less-prevalent browsers exacerbate the accessibility concerns, highlighting a persistent gap in Cloudflare's detection mechanisms.
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