"The MLS is so incredibly pro-consumer. It lets buyers see all of their options. If you think about sellers, it enables them to see what their competition is, allowing them to develop strategies with their agents as they sell their home."
"The MLS is an unbiased, open marketplace where there is equal access to information. So, it is a fair, level playing field because everybody has the same opportunity to see the same data."
"While the panel did not explicitly discuss the NAR's increasingly controversial Clear Cooperation Policy (CCP), it was evident that the support shown towards the viewpoints of Samuelson and Carter demonstrated a contrast to the silence after Reffkin's statements about CCP during the panel discussion."
"Reffkin claimed that agents across the country are infuriated with CCP and their inability to give sellers a choice in listing their property, but the cool response he received during the panel suggests fewer agents support changing the policy than his brokerage believes."