Ifremer, the French national institute for ocean science and technology, has relied on Atempo backup software for 23 years to manage and protect its extensive research data, which is crucial for conducting oceanographic studies. It employs a workforce of 1,500 researchers and technicians across multiple sites, centralizing data management and backups at a site in Brest. Atempo effectively safeguards around 400TB of critical data while enabling quick recovery. This infrastructure underpins Ifremer's mission to ensure sustainable use of marine resources and supports collaborative efforts in ocean research with various organizations.
Ifremer's longstanding use of Atempo software highlights its crucial role in oceanographic research, maintaining access to vital data from the past 23 years.
The centralisation of data on Atempo's platform enables Ifremer to efficiently perform essential oceanographic studies and share critical information across various organizations.
Atempo has proven to be a reliable data protection solution for Ifremer, safeguarding around 400TB of critical research data while allowing quick and efficient data recovery.
With high-performance computing capabilities on the Datarmor supercomputer, Ifremer can conduct complex oceanic modeling, directly supporting its mission for sustainable marine resource use.