GameStop Workers Sound Off On The Filthy, Roach-Infested Consoles That Customers Trade In

If you talk to a GameStop employee long enough, at some point they'll likely reveal that they know exactly what cockroaches smell like. As one former employee tells Inverse, it's like 'a musky attic full of body odor, with a bit of burned meat.'
Sometimes the roaches would melt inside if a console overheated, hence the notes of roast. The secret work of GameStop employees involves bugs, bodily fluids, and bad smells, according to over a dozen current and former employees.
One GameStop employee shared a picture of a falling-apart PlayStation controller still accepted as a trade-in. Despite being seemingly unusable, parts could still be salvaged from such items.
GameStop employees must make subjective judgment calls on trade-ins, influenced by store profitability's impact on management's bonus, often facing demands from customers expecting acceptance of anything brought in.
Read at Inverse