Dominic Allon, CEO at Pipedrive, stated, "We often assume that more input equates to more output; so working more hours would naturally correlate to more value, greater business success. But our findings underline the contrary. With the UK's productivity epidemic looming large, we don't need to be working more hours, we need to be working smarter and with a greater sense of teamship."
The report revealed that those who worked additional hours were around 10% less likely to have met their KPIs. For instance, two-thirds of respondents working no overtime met their annual sales target, compared to 60% of those doing up to 15 hours of overtime, and just 58% for those working 16 or more hours.
Pipedrive's survey indicates that a significant number of sales staff, specifically 69%, are putting in overtime, yet this extra effort does not translate into successful outcomes.