Building a Web App with BoxLang

The article explores the author's journey through software development, highlighting their extensive experience in building web applications. It details their recent exploration of BoxLang, discussing how it can be integrated with modern tools like Docker and CommandBox, and how it simplifies the web development process. The author aims to provide a foundational understanding of BoxLang for both seasoned developers and newcomers, noting the parallels to technologies like ColdFusion, PHP, and ASP. Through purposeful examples, the article emphasizes BoxLang's potential in modern app development.
I've shown running BoxLang at the command line and in Lambda, but BoxLang can also run in the context of a web server. The one I used for testing is MiniServer, but CommandBox is also an option as well as Docker.
For those of you coming from a ColdFusion background, a lot of this will be familiar, but let's just assume you are coming at this fresh.
Read at Raymondcamden