The article explores the implications of conventional military strength in the face of nuclear-armed aggression, specifically in the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It argues that if conventional forces can defend successfully, it may deter nuclear ambitions. However, nations feeling hopeless may seek their own nuclear arsenals for self-defense. The piece criticizes the Trump administration's approach to Russia, highlighting a perceived weakness and lack of genuine support for Ukraine, viewed as expendable in geopolitical negotiations.
If a nation’s conventional military can stop an aggressive, nuclear-armed nation in a defensive struggle, then there is hope for the viability of conventional deterrence.
The hovering threat of Russia’s nuclear arsenal is one explanation for the Trump administration’s shocking weakness in its dealings with Russia.
If, however, a conventionally armed nation is doomed to fail because it lacks the resources (including the allies) to defend itself then look for more countries to pursue nuclear weapons.
Donald Trump initially refused to promise that he would even include Ukraine in his negotiations with Russia, as if Ukraine were a mere pawn on the chessboard.
#nuclear-deterrence #conventional-military #ukraine-conflict #international-relations #trump-administration