Aldi's simplicity is reflected in its product offerings, which number around 1,300 at any time. The store excels in staple items, particularly frozen pizzas from the exclusive Mama Cozzi's brand. These pizzas are essential for quick meals and come in various styles, including French bread varieties, which are noted for their garlic bread-like appearance. The article discusses the criteria for evaluating these pizzas, focusing on crust texture, sauce flavor, and cheese quality, while also emphasizing the importance of well-cooked toppings.
Mama Cozzi is a machine in the kitchen. She whips up pizza after pizza in every style you can think of, from thin-crust and cheesy stuffed crust to French bread pies just like this one.
A freezer section take-and-bake pizza is a grocery list essential. It's a dish you should always have on deck in case other dinner plans fall through.
While testing, I looked for a crust that holds up (whether it's thick or thin), a flavorful sauce, and, of course, plenty of cheese.
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