Binge Now, Pay Later: The Effects of Junk Food on Your Brain

A study published in Nature Metabolism shows that just five days of high-caloric junk food can significantly alter brain activity patterns, resembling those found in obesity. Researchers at the University of Tübingen split participants into two groups, one maintaining a regular diet, and the other consuming 1,500 extra calories daily. Despite no weight gain in the junk food group, the brain changes persisted even after returning to a normal diet, indicating potential long-term effects on appetite regulation and food cravings, complicating future dietary choices.
The study reveals that just five days of junk food can significantly change brain activity, mimicking alterations typically observed in those with obesity.
After returning to a normal diet, the lasting changes in brain regions tied to appetite and reward may hinder one's ability to manage cravings effectively.
Read at Psychology Today