Near Maui's Road to Hana, a forgotten piece of Hawaii history

During a trip to Maui, the author stumbled upon a hidden graveyard near Baldwin Beach Park that is not documented in tourist guides. After following a dirt path, they discovered a significant number of weathered headstones, most likely of Japanese origin, surrounded by nature. The experience raised many questions about the history and identity of those buried there. This encounter highlights the intriguing aspect of exploring less-known locations that often reveal compelling and mysterious stories.
There, just beyond some overgrown grass, was what looked like a group of headstones... I estimated maybe 100 headstones in all.
It was apparent what I had stumbled into, but I was left with a lot of questions.
Noticeably, each had what appeared to be Japanese calligraphy, so I had no clue how old each headstone was or who might be resting there.
This site isn't listed as a roadside attraction on Google Maps or in any visitor brochures.
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