In 'Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear,' Alexander Freed delves into the emotional landscape of the Star Wars galaxy following the rise of the Galactic Empire. This first installment of a trilogy examines the shift in perception of the Jedi from revered guardians to a condemned group, as seen through characters like Mon Mothma and Bail Organa. Their struggles to navigate a new political reality highlight the profound impact of Palpatine's propaganda. The novel's opening chapter poignantly captures the varied reactions to the Jedi's fate, with Bail's insights during a visit to Jedah exposing differing sentiments within the galaxy.
In the novel 'Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear,' the complex feelings citizens hold about the Jedi post-massacre reflect a galaxy grappling with loss and propaganda.
Bail Organa's visit to Jedah highlights the differing reactions to the Jedi's fate across the galaxy, with some honoring their memory while others accept the Emperor's narrative.